zgemma Dedicated support section


TK Veteran
Hey all,

Not sure why, but recently I've seen alot of zgemma questions asked in all forum sections so for anyone having issues with a zgemma box please see the dedicated sections for all zgemma models here: Zgemma-Star :eyes:

Just enter the section for the model you have an take a look, chances are your issue has been asked and answered already so your wasting time asking again or post your question and get answers quicker as this is where most of the zgemma experts live, fed on stale bread of dirty water if they are good lol.

Hope this helps
fed on stale bread of dirty water if they are good

Fed? They never said we would be fed. Or is that only the experts? If so I will never be fed and will waste away in a corner somewhere clutching at my crochet "W" my gran did for me.