3 box multi-room

Has anyone had a 3 box multi-room (f5s) and have you had any problems with picture freeezing/scrambling or have they been ok ?

any advice would be appreciated

Hi, my provider allows 3 boxs per line and i must say its great. Doesnt seem to be any worse scrambling than when i only had 2 boxs. Hope that helps, but makesure your provider allows 3 boxs..
They all need there own cable to the satellite dish, otherwise they will conflict with each other and they won't work. you will also need a quad LNB on your satellite dish for the three in going cables.
Hi I had two f5s boxes running and got the old dollar sign on numerous occasions. To be honest guy's these boxes are just not that good. Problems with Ethernet etc I have two sf8 hd boxes on the same line I had the f5s on and no freeze at all. On the very odd occasion my providers line goes down but when line up it rocks. U get what ya pay for. And the sf8 hd is only 130 quid worth a look.

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most providers give 1 line for or multi line wich will cause glithing

some providers charge a bit more but give xxxx lines per same ip which is better

some boxes are good tuners are great
but lots of people blame server but its down to cheap boxes ie f5 and so on its tuners are crap compered to summit like solo 2

thats my opion
mods admins remove if you think its wrong
Completely agree labcable just wish my budget could have stretched to the vu range but very happy with the octogon sf 8 hd.

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like i say mate there lots of factors in sharing

watch tv and surf the net playing xbox all have factors
and why do you think i say vu originals or octagon sf8 at £119,i like working boxes not a daily workout with channels moving all the time.