adding a HDD also worth using a NAS


so should be ordering my duo2 soon from WOS and will get them to flash the image openvix but will be ordering without a HDD installed as i have 2 spare 4TB 3.5" HDD after upgrading my nas to 12TB think i also have a 2TB about somewhere

my question is if i install my own HDD after i receive it from WOS will it need setting up or re flashing again

also am i right in saying i can direct recordings to a NAS drive is there any pro and cons to this?
possibly drive may need format and initialize to mount for using when installed.think it was the big wigs on wos said that you dont need a connected internal/external hdd to record.might be a way in doing in once network is setup.
i have moved recordings made on box to nas and you need nfs setup on both.any box once setup on network can play recordings on other devices.