best box???


;)hi looking for bit of advice here plz,im in paisley (nr glasgow)i have the starview1 and the digivox xl have tried to update them both but think ive made them worse lol
could any1 please advice me on which is the best box for me to get?future proof if any plz
thanks for your help(im fik at this stuff lol)wendyx
hi wendy, nagra 3 is near if it hasn't already gotten to paisley, unless you want to go the cardsharing route, its probably best to keep your money warm in your pocket
;)hi looking for bit of advice here plz,im in paisley (nr glasgow)i have the starview1 and the digivox xl have tried to update them both but think ive made them worse lol
could any1 please advice me on which is the best box for me to get?future proof if any plz
thanks for your help(im fik at this stuff lol)wendyx

as wheelo said dont waste ya money N3 has now been rolled out over most of the UK - so it may not be you thats messed up it may be the change over.

IF your getting no channels or loosing stuff like movies etc then i'd say its N3 in your area, but check your area here >>>
and read here wher it may all be come clear to you >>
Linny :)
hi wendy, nagra 3 is near if it hasn't already gotten to paisley, unless you want to go the cardsharing route, its probably best to keep your money warm in your pocket

thanks very much getting bk to me,so boxes r useless now fit for bin??lol

hiya thanks very much for input,nagra3 hit here few wks ago but i read wrong and thought there was an update for them lol think i best get new specks been trying to update for over week now lol thanks
lol wendy i blame my hair colour - im blonde and over 40 - thats the excuse i use on here so join me lol! - the lads are used to it LOL!!
Hopefully one day there will be a fix but i think all the boxes we have/had will be no use. But hey we enjoyed it whilst it lasted
