CLOUD IBOX-II PLUS In need of major help and support

I managed to get my hands on a CLOUD IBOX-II PLUS box the other day. I have spent days reading various forums and trying to get some help how I can get my box up and running.

The box has been restored to Factory Reset.

I have read various threads about downloading various files onto a Formatted USB and then turning on the box with the USB inserted into the back of the box. Then holding the ch+ button on the front of the box. But I don't have a ch+ button on the box, just vol - or vol+

I would be extremely grateful if someone could provide me with Simple - Fools Guide - Step by Step instructions in how to do this.

I can assure you I have read many many threads and I am getting no where at all.

Please help

Many thanks

the guide of all guides for this has been posted by sucmnsee. i used it and it was flawless and the flash is in downloads also , will take you 30 mins all in. i didnt have to press any buttons it just strarted itself into the flash , but i may have been lucky.

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here you go , its very good and the image id grand, if it works out dont forget to give sucmnsee a like/thanks
busterarlow many thanks will give this a go

ill keep you updated :)

---------- Post Merged at 12:35 PM ----------

I downloaded the file and carry out the instructions as per

The usb was flashing in the back of the box for around 5-6 mins and it looked as if it was doing something. the front panel even said boot , but now the panel read ''dOnE''

But nothing else has happened. the box has not rebooted or anything. do i just wait

I am very sorry if I am being stupid or simple. any advice out there ? :whacko:
Things are going well and I am finally getting somewhere. I have a 24hr trial line and I am looking at loading it into the box . How do I load a softcam please
softcam should be loaded

press blue button on remote mate

you will need a ftp program ie: dreambox control centre
And whatever you do dont use tspanel for cams

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Also be sure and READ through the instructions in the post busterarlow gave you. All the txt is there for a reason.
Set everything up with usb etc

Loads of people to help on here. We were all in ur shoes.....