Dream Box edit forgotten password vu+solo2

Hi guys a little help here please.

I have recently finished a subscription and wanted to change to another, but when i did find a guy and tried
to put in his details to hook up to the server my dreambox edit would not work it keeps on saying username and password... root... dreambox
wrong. I have not changed them at all has anyone any ideas that would help, i have tried a few (ie) no password in both fields and that has not worked.
I taught of doing it manually but was told the image im using linuxsat wont let me im quiet new to this and would really appreciate some help

The box i have vu+solo2
and when i turn it says black hole

Thank you
on vu i use root and password is left blank,make sure ip is correct and running that program for solo2 only,if you had 4 boxes you have a different program for each as there all named ie:
vu solo ,vusolo2, vu duo,max digital 1000.