duo2, latest openvix, keeps saying recording....by itself with no timers!


I am new to all this but have had a duo2 for the last few days and have a very strange problem. The box seems to have a mind of its own and starts "recording" by itself. All timers are blank and pressing the R button to see the recording folders shows nothing in there.....yet the box insists that it is recording, I have no way of stopping the recording, it is using up one of my 2 tuners in doing so and depending what I try to do (such as restart the box) it warns me that a recording is either ongoing or starting soon.

It has done this several times now and the ONLY way I have managed to get it to stop "recording" is by restarting the box. It does not do it all the time, last night I was watching a few things, put the box into standby and went to bed. This morning everything was fine, no recording. When I get home form work, box still in standby but tuner D is in use and lcd is flashing that it is recording!

So far the only possible explanation I can come up with is that it has something to do with the ios and android apps. I was using dream player on my android and it all worked fine, and didn't say recording. but it SEEMED to be that at some point after that and after i had completely closed dreamplayer, the box started recording. Today when I came home from work, my dad had briefly used the vu+ app on his ipad at some point during the day, and surprise surprise, i get home and it says its recording. Having said that, I just reinstalled dreamplayer on my phone, played around with it for a bit, twice, and it hasnt caused the box to start recording, so maybe its nothing to do with that anyway.

I have checked the timers, as usual they are all completely empty. I don't have anything installed on the box other than what came with it and mgcamd which is working fine.

I haven't been able to find any mention of anything like this elsewhere. I have no clue why it would keep doing this. It did it with the openvix that came with the box, and is still doing it after i went through the update menus and updated it to the latest. Could it somehow be a faulty box?? Or a bug in the most recent openvix's? When it isn't doing its recording thing, everything works perfectly.
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Ok update. It IS related to the mobile apps, but I can't find any consistency between them!

  • Marusys 'official' app on android - no issue
  • Marusys 'official' app on ipad - recording issue
  • dream player by Christian Fees on android - recording issue
  • dreamdroid on android - no issue

I am baffled.
Ok have narrowed it down further. it has something to do with transcoding. if I point anything at the transcoding port (which i have set to 8888), it causes this lockup on the second tuner and 'recording' to get stuck on. i dont know if this must be an issue with the tuner or with something else, but transcoding anything is doing this every time!