Dutch disaster as FC Twente stadium collapses with people trapped inside


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Part of FC Twente's stadium has collapsed leaving people trapped in the rubble, police in Holland have confirmed.

Emergency services have been at the scene since just after the accident happened at around noon local time.


Work has been taking place to develop the stadium due to increasing interest in the Eredivisie club from Enschede, in the east of Holland.

A police spokesman said: 'Part of the roof has collapsed. There are people under the rubble. We don't know how many.'

Twente president Joop Munsterman maintained last month that: ''We have put a lot of private money in the expansion of the stadium, as we play next season in front of 30,000 men in the Grolsch Veste.'
More to follow...

Heres an update on the story J4v3d,

Worker dies after Dutch stadium collapse

Updated: 14:46, Thursday, 7 July 2011

Part of FC Twente's football stadium has collapsed during renovation in the Netherlands, killing one person and injuring at least 14.

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    One person died when roof collapsed in Enschede
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    Roof collapsed during expansion of the stadium
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    Photo of stadium taken last month

One person has died and 14 others have been injured after part of a roof collapsed at the FC Twente stadium in the Netherlands.

The dead and injured are construction workers who were working on the stadium roof in the eastern town of Enschede.

'It is terrible. One person has died and 14 others were injured. Ten of them were taken to hospital. Two of those are seriously injured,' said mayor Peter den Oudsten.

The mayor said the cause of the accident is not yet known.

However, Dutch media have reported that it happened when a crane drove into the structure during construction work.

Rescue workers on the scene are freeing those trapped underneath the rubble, Dutch news agency ANP reported.

Witnesses have said they saw construction workers running away from the work site at De Grolsch Veste stadium as it started to collapse around noon.

'It collapsed with a huge noise like a house of cards,' said a witness who saw the incident from an office next to the stadium.
horrific scenes, glad that nearly all of them survived, RIP to the fella who lost his life.