Eets developer working on Shank, possibly a new XBLA title


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By: Griffin McElroy


Footage from an early build of Eets developer Klei Entertainment's next project has been circulating the nets recently. The stylish brawler/platformer, titled Shank (monosyllabic titles seem to be Klei's specialty), has been wowing viewers with it's brutal gameplay and stylish, Venture Bros-esque visuals -- though many are wondering what the release platform of the title will be. An Xbox control scheme shown at the beginning of the video led many to assume the title would be coming to XBLA -- however, this isn't exactly confirmed.

In an email, Klei Entertainment's Jamie Cheng explained, "The platform is currently not set in stone, but I suppose you could make an educated guess based on past experience. Even I honestly don't know 100%." Our guess, which is alarmingly educated, is that it will land on both XBLA and PC. While we wait to find out, we highly suggest checking out the aforementioned Shank footage, which we've posted after the break.

[Via GamerBytes]

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