ibox 2 stuck on boot


screen is blank and box just says boot, when turned on, cant get anything to happen

any ideas what i can do to fix guys?

Have you tried re flashing it Make sure you have right 1 for your box and make sure you have copy of line details
Yeah I reflashed it

The box then says done on front but nothing happens. I left it on for about half hour. Finally I restarted it and it's gone back to boot problem.

Wondering if I made rookie mistake and flashed a clone with the genuine flash from the cloud-Ibox site?
It may be if you pm Sucmnsee He maybe able to help youu

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When did you get your box as you may need earlier firmware

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i was running a ibox 2 (not plus or second edition or anything else) using jenseneverest flash, was working grand since xmas and it crashed 2 nights ago, it flashed up a green screen about rebooting and now it refuses to boot , i get a purple light (blend of red and blue on the left hand side of the lcd and no display of screen at all.

i tried reflashing but it doesnt kick in at all , the pen drive i use is fine as its used to flash all boxes i have. anyone any ideas as if trenched thru this forum last 2 days looking for tips but they all seem to relate to ibox 3 and 2plus.

thanks in advance
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reflashing seems to be the main advice im getting , does anyone have an image other that the jenseneverest one in the downloads section please? it seems to be the only one in there for cloud ibox 2
reflashing seems to be the main advice im getting , does anyone have an image other that the jenseneverest one in the downloads section please? it seems to be the only one in there for cloud ibox 2

The trouble is with the cloud ibox there are several versions If you have the first version that came out about Dec 2013 I have a copy of Vix ,open pli if you need it by the same person as you know you can't flash it with a later version as it won't work

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iv managed to get it up and running again with the jenseneverest flash but I'm going off it , I had openpli with vix on before that and it seemed good , I'm looking to go back to that or try the Apollo vix image when I source it , can I do this ?

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It all depends what version you have if you have the first couple of versions they will not flash later versions Also watch out for cloned versions

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is there a way I can determine it will work or not ? or do you mean an earlier flash won't go over a later one ?

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I tried flashing later versions a couple of times and they wouldn't work. Would only work on first version even though it was not a cloned version The box still works ok for one of the bedrooms

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mines not a clone either , I'd be happy to get it back to the open pli vix I had on it , the loading pic on it was cliff sides I think if that helps identify it

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If you pm me your email will send you the files I have if it helps I know mine are when the box first came out

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