Is there a way of use a cccam and newcamd line at the same time

Good question, I've never tried it. You can run C and N lines in mgcamd (usually for sat and cable)
I'll give it a go and report back;)
hi dangerous i mainly use my cccam line ( cccam 2.3.0 but when theres something like boxing on what i dont want to miss anything i turn on the newcamd line whats in mgcamd 1 .35a
if i double click the OK button on my vu2 remote i can see the lines changing but this only lasts for around a hour or so then the cccam seems to carry on and the newcamd stops .
Well they both work in mgcamd, (you will need my mg_cfg file from my signature strip) I'm using mgcamd 1.38, I haven't seen it switch yet but both lines work separately as ive tested it. Not sure if this helps, but if 1 line was to go down the other would just kick in. You will end up with 3 files
Mg_cfg file
Sorry to geg in guys but I tried this on CCCam and had a c line and n line in the config file. They both worked a treat and as leeroy said further up, whenever one line stalled, the other kicked in immediately.

Worked for months before one line went down. And 2 x OK button showed the details of which line was being used.
to keep things simple just use nlines in sat and cable and mgcamd 1.38 saves all the messing around.
I have a zgemma H2h, I have the luxury of changing my supplier feeds to any of the 3 formats c: n: cws= However what I have found is if you use n lines and mgcamd for both your cable and satellite feeds your paid channels switching between the 2 can take up to 60 seconds which is quite an inconvenience.

Can someone tell me what I need to put in the mg_cfg file so I can have sky in my cccam.txt file and my kable in my newcamd.list as I'm hoping this will make the switching less than the 60 seconds I'm currently waiting for.