LAN connection drops my internet on Vu+ DUO2


Hi guys, got a strange one.

Bought a new Archer VR900 AC1900 router for a better controlled connection around the house. Problem is when I connect my box through the LAN cable it makes the internet drop out completely! I tried this a few times with the same result like it's one or the other but not both.

I even switched the router back to the PLusnet cheap and nasty with the same result.

I'm guessing it's a setting on my box that's over ruling the router in some way??

I bought the box brand new, unflashed and flashed the image myself.
Everything has worked perfectly and installed without a problem, but have I missed a plugin that effects the LAN connection? Or does anyone else use the Archer and how have you got yours set up?

Any help is greatly appreciated, as it's currently running over wifi and that's not perfect.
i wonder if ip address is clashing with another device or if you are using a nline with mgcamd 1.38.there have been a ddos attack on boxes by using an incorrect mg_cfg file?
I am using an nline thru mgcamd but sure I'm using 1.35. Would it matter putting it back on Cccam? And I'm sure I downloaded the mg-cfg file from here. Is there a safe version available?

Cheers ck.
Cheers Cactikid, you pointed me in the right direction with the mgcam.

I found something else that mentions changing the mg_cfg file so that it reads L: { 00 } that seems to have sorted it out.

The IP's conflicting was also part of the problem. My 2 routers have different ip ranges and if I didn't do a fresh network restart each time I switched it, the box's IP would be out of the range of the new router.

All sorted now and working like a charm again.

Thanks again.
It's on my box with 1.38 and 1.38c, currently using 138c . Why? Is 135 a problem or is it's mg_cfg file outdated or something?

If it's outdated, can you point me in the direction of a bang up to date cfg file please?


When I think about it, because I fresh flashed my box from new, I installed the mgcam from the plugin menu and there are no cfg files in it.
I'm sure I had to install 1.35 via IPK to pinch the cfg from there.
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Ok, I've started from scratch!

I've deleted all my mgcam stuff including the config files/necamd.list and downloaded the mgcam138 from downloads.

Done a fresh IPK install from tmp and set my line up in the newcam file.

2 further questions to make sure I've done this right.

Do I need to edit my cws-keepalive and line details into the newcam list completely over writing anything in there?

I have amended the mg_cfg file L: { 03 } so it reads { 00 } and removed the ip address to save ddos'ing my box. But do I need to add my cws line details to the 5th line or just leave alone now?

All seems to be working as it is. I don't have any line details in the cfg file, I take it that's right?

Cheers guys.

Well that's different!

My box works a treat and everything seems fine......the Lan connection and internet seem to be playing ball.

A week later, I notice whenever the missus turns on her Macbook Pro.....the satellite freezes! The McP is on the 5gig network so it frees up my 2.4gig network.

I've had a google search and found odds and sods to try out but nothing seemed to work.

I had a scratch around in her network lists and for some reason every network she had ever connected to was listed in the 'priority list'. These were networks from using her mobile phone abroad like Iceland excursions and stuff!! I'm guessing whenever she connected her phone to the McP, it transferred the network details.....?

Anyhoo, they were all prioritised ahead of the 5gig network so I deleted everything except the 5g and it seems to have settled down again.

Not sure if this will help anyone in the future, but hey ho, it worked for me.