Monster Hunter 3 for Wii


If you've downloaded a copy of monster hunter 3 for your wii and it doesnt work TRY This:
Install onto a wbfs formatted HD
Choose Game but dont start it.
Go to settings and change language to JAP
Change ios / wad to 223
exit settings
game should play
Hi biffo122,i couldnt get it to work on configurable loader,but got it working on uloader as is by changing the ios to 223 or 224,i cant remember,will check if needed
I'm on configurable loader too, biffo gave me this game earlier, and i can only get it to work as far as the screen where you choos your challenge/quickgame type screen
Never hurts to have another loader Wheelo,Hermes work is great,you also get to use instruments and the like for games with very little sync problems,its not as pretty as config,but it gets the job done,i got rid of usb gx and run config and uloader
Iam using wii flow usb loader, when i select game, 4 icons appear on right of screen, 1 is a cog shape, when u select this it brings u into settings, change video to ntse, language to Jap, and ios to 223. game should work then
@sinno, i will try u loader this is about my third or fourth loader.. gx, neogamma, configurable, and waninkoko's USB loader 1.0

@biffo, didn't like that loader very much when i had one here in the house, I prefer a channel as well

@ Sinno could you check your settings for the uloader please, just installed it and trying to shange settings(y)
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Hi Wheelo,im on 223 to run monster Hunter3,are you on version 5 of uloader,it will tell you up in the top corner of the screen,if you need a forwader channel let me know and i will up mine
Sinno, the one i downloaded had 5 wads, and one app for u loader, but no wad manager, but i had that before thanks to you, so i used my initiative and got it loaded, i even managed to get an update for uloader and am now running version 5 with a forwarder channel(y)
good job mate,i rarely use wads anymore unless absolutely necessary,i find the network installs easier
okay, now you have me inquisitive again, what is the difference between a .wad instal and a network it that one gives you a channel and the other is on an sd card?
No very much the same thing just i find it easier,you are removing the use of the nus downloader and getting the latest wads yourself and letting the network do all the work