'My boy died trying to protect our community'


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A devastated father told today how he performed CPR on his dying son, after a hit-and-run driver mowed down three men who were ‘protecting their community against rioting and looters’.

Tariq Jahan said his hands and face were ‘covered in blood’ as he tried to save the life of 21-year-old Haroon in Birmingham.

Clearly in shock and pleading for an end to the violence that has swept across cities and towns, he said: 'I miss him dearly but two days from now the whole world will forget - no one will care.'

He told BBC Radio 5 Live: 'Tensions are already high in the area.

'It's already bad enough what we are seeing on the streets now without other people taking the law into their own hands.'


Haroon, Abdul Nasir, 31, and Shazad Ali, 30, were mowed down as they stood on the pavement protecting their mosque and businesses in the community.

Today, a 32-year-old man was being questioned on suspicion of murder.

The father said he was standing round the corner as the car mounted the pavement and knocked down the three young men.

He said he acted instinctively and helped - without realising his boy was one of the trio who were fatally injured.

Mr Jahan said: 'The car came up on the pavement for God knows what reason and I was standing nearby.

'I heard it happen and I turned round and I saw three people on the ground and my instinct to help and I started CPR and someone told me that one of them was my son.

'I started CPR on my own son and my hands and face were covered in blood. What was the point in doing it? We are here defending the community. He was a good kid aged 21, and very well liked.'

Mohammed Chowdhri, who knew Haroon, said the three young men were on the streets protecting the mosque and businesses from rioters.

He said: 'I have known Haroon since he was a baby, we are all absolutely devastated. He was fed up with the rioters and the looters and he was determined that they would not destroy our community.


Him and the two other boys who died, Shazad and Musaver, went out to protect the mosque and the local businesses.

'They were very worried that the businesses and the mosque would be looted and destroyed.

Haroon was a very religious boy, a very good boy, and he was doing what he thought was right. The boys took it upon themselves to put an end to the violence.

'They went to stand outside the mosque to protect it, and a car came driving round and round the nearby streets, at a really high speed. Suddenly it mounted the pavement and hit the three boys.'

Shazad Ali had recently got married, and his wife, Khansa, is four months pregnant. The men were killed while trying to protect a Muslim Community Centre, and a friend's business, from rioters as chaos spread across Birmingham last night.




absolutely disgusting.. what is wrong with society. This will not help the cause, and he is right give it 2 days and the world will go quiet on the death of these 3 innocent lads.

it wont help in anyway this, it could turn out to be racial riots now and that is something we do not need at all, the thugs who have done this need to feel the same, life for life, mow them down with a car.

i am absolutely fuming!!
i see a list of people charged in court today for involvement in riots,and my condolence goes out to that family in grief. r. i. p.
I was upset reading this last night, my thoughts are with him and his family. It must be really difficult for his wife now who is 4 months pregnant, its tough enough as it is for her without having to add to the grief of losing her husband, I hope this does not effect her health to badly.

And yeah I am getting sick off this too, but all we can do is pray that the situation gets better or go out there and do something about it, then again thats what the Police is there for, so we will have to trust them to get the job done, soon, very soon.
swift justice is now in place people sent to prison,best place for them so hopefully people will think first before acting.
Its people that kill others like that should be shot, or slowly rolled over with an articulate!!!