Network Harddrive


Does anyone know how to get the Vu+ Duo to act like a network HD for windows using its internal hard drive?

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Hi RipTripper,
I'm currently trying to do exactly this at the mo... maybe between us we can sus it - I think I have forgotten everything I ever knew about linux

job so far... edit file -> /etc/samba/smb.conf : change encrypt passwords = no
save file...

load putty
put in box ip ->select telnet
xxxxxxx login : root


enter new password and repeat

goto windows machine browse networks
select the box it will now ask you for login details

user : root
password : new password - and this is where i'm stuck as it still doesn't let me login to see any shares that are setup in the smb.conf

i think all i'm missing is a samba server/client for the box but it will have to be a job for tomorrow now as its busy recording

So I give up for now but have opened a thread in general sat as this is not really a box specific issue.
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