Sat signal strength/quality


Hi guys just wondering what is minimum signal quality to run all channels ?
I'm signal intensity is 90%
Quality is 64%
All channels are working no problem apart from a couple of sport channels (same brand sport channels)
When I flick through channels the SNR is 63% or more but when go onto these channels the snr shows at 58% and nothing comes on.
Is it possible for other channels to not recieve such a good signal as others ?
I've got a new Lnb coming so will be going up the ladder soon anyway .
Just wondering if that is the issue with these 2 channels
I've got a Openbox v8s then also have 3 Genuine S*y boxes
Channels not working are B* Sports
Done a bit of research and looks like it could just need channel list updating , so just messaged who I got box off to see if I'm safe to do network update see if that works
The l.n.b will select your skybox first which can cause your openbox to have no signal on certain channels you could disconnect your skybox to see what happens

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Cheers guys will try taking sky box off see if that works.
Just waiting to hear from supplier to see if I can update over network as heard if it's not genuine box can brick the box
Press menu on the box scroll across to local network settings then scroll down to upgrade by network if you can enter this and connect you will see tbsprog file in here UK then you have the v8s firmware which let's you update by the network

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Having a problem mainly with sports channels where the screen freezes of 5 -40 seconda and then continues, all sat signals look ok is there anything else i should look for.
If I go through and don't see tsrpog will I be safe exiting without doing the update ? Sorry if my questions sound daft just new to it.
I've just read so much about bricking box I don't want to do it and my box is a clone and I kill it lol
If you go to network local settings and there is no upgrade by network then you won't have the firmware on your box

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your nearly there, the signal quality has to be above 70% to work perfectly for all channels. your LNB needs very small adjustments *im talking centimetres* usually an up and down movement will do it.