[Solved] Reset last location - File List Button



While doing a File List button press on my remote I browsed into flash and this produced an error screen and a reboot. Now when I select a File List again it attempts to go back to this last used location causing the error message to reappear, so I'm caught in a bit of loop.

I'm wondering where the "last opened" File List location setting is stored so I can clear it. Any ideas please?

Many thanks

-- Malachy
Thank you Grog,

The relevant entry would seem to be


When I change the value to /media/hdd/ it gets overwritten on reboot and reverts to the previous incorrect value. Any idea where it gets the value from?

Thank you

-- Malachy
ha you need to log into the box via putty, then enter enter the command
init 4
to stop enigma, then change the setting above and then enter the command
init 3
to restart enigma

You Sir, are a genius :(y):. That worked like a charm and has saved me from doing a re-flash and re-configuring my addons. Back in happyland.

Owe you one, many thanks.

-- Malachy
Things are working well for me thanks to Grog's advice, but just to elaborate on what appears to be causing the issue in the first place...

Once upon a time I had a Linux network share set up named DesktopPC mounted using AutoFS. I removed the share some time back. However I notice a directory still exists in /mnt/autofs named DesktopPC. For want of better terminology I consider it a "Ghost Folder" as no such share exists.

By browsing to autofs it seems the contents of autofs are enumerated and my original error referred to folder DesktopPC not being found. It seems to me I need to remove or prevent folder DesktopPC from being created, but obviously I can't remove it via CLI, as I get an error saying I don't have permission, even though I am Root.

So how to get rid of this unwanted folder? Any takers?

Thank you,

-- Malachy
If you don't have any network shares delete /etc/enigma2/automounts.xml
also check that there is no line referencing this share in /etc/fstab. If there is, delete the line.
Then restart the box completely.
Hi Willo,

Removing automounts.xml did the trick. Really getting good advice on this thread. And it is much appreciated.

Thank you,

-- Malachy