Starview Official Update 24/11/12

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cant wait for the second part makes very intresting reading cactikid my box is gone long live sat nicky m8 convert all your sv boxs to sat m8 you will make a killing 30 quid a year for your nlines sv want 60 now furkin rip offs
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best of it Tony I've says worse before and nowt happened.
i have you hahaha

funny thing is tho nicky
i did not swear sl*g anybody, call them rip off's con men etc, spent most of my time helping sv members get channels back on
wrote 99.9% of the guides set up all the download links etc. etc.
went away for the weekend, and when we got back mine and betty's accounts were deleted.
this is the latest sh1t from the Starview team in my opinion, the only purpose for that website is to take "VIP subscriptions" and yet it is nothing to do with Starview, I don't think so.
Also, I have popped in and out of the site, and there seems to be very few posts on there, I wonder are they all being deleted maybe?
Again more rubbish service from the Kiddy/ the Kinny, et al. for me, the advice has to be stay as far away from these crooks.
it seems mystarview forum has nothing to do with mystarview :p willo states D and head

So Willo, Jake & co are working on the site for no pay.....some might call it charity work just to help others :smoke rings:

i have you hahaha

funny thing is tho nicky
i did not swear sl*g anybody, call them rip off's con men etc, spent most of my time helping sv members get channels back on
wrote 99.9% of the guides set up all the download links etc. etc.
went away for the weekend, and when we got back mine and betty's accounts were deleted.

Just goes to show all the hard work and effort that you put in counted for nothing, all they want to do is sell subs and boxes and its 2 fingers up to everyone one else m8, just look at the Starview Official Update 24/11/12 from TheKinny it all crap money is all they are after!!
dunno why anyone listens to that idiot, snedz he hasn't and never will have a clue
he is not even a mod on mystarview, willo removed his privileges a long long time ago, and made him a super poster..(of shite):)
he emails jake and me for some reason, asking whats happening on mystarview.

the man is a complete numpty
cant belive people are still paying subs for a none existing service need there heads looking at . you go on my sv all they say now is we have nothing to do with the subs activations missing channels etc why the fu*k are they there then all the questions we are asking they have no answers just passing the buck
Does seem a bit silly to pay for something that isnt even working maybe starview should stop taking payments and spend more time sorting there stuff out,i dont think they no how to fix whats gone wrong u never no maybe there get there in the end also better to come clean and say it as it is than make stuff up.
I don't know why people are still paying for subs, there is no activations , no service and as for July next year there will be no website . As its due to expire then .

Someone got uppity the other day and stated that mystarview has nothing to do with starview? That they were just providing a service so that people didn't have to trawl the web and that there are other sites where one could subscribe to starview, anyone know of these?
Someone ask the question in a thread on sv 'Where do I pay to re-sub?' I replied 'No-one has been activatied since July2012, I would wait'
The next day the thread was deleted ~ why won't anyone tell us what going on? :damn:
more likely called euroview,as they want to get rid of that bad taste in their mouth called starview,but wait the new euroview is just as shite as starview.
The box can only do so much, it is the server that does the hard work, and they are easy to run, ask the kiddy/kinny LOL
Starview have never really had a good name but to many put to much trust in it and dont really no how it works,people will still pay them even if it dont work and just hope.
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