Stupid fake PS3 jailbreaking sites

I've been trying to jailbreak my PS3 for like 3 days. I now know why it wouldn't work, the software I downloaded was fake and wanted me to do surveys before i could actually download anything to jailbreak my PS3 with. I would put a link here so that you could see for your self but I don't have enough posts sorry.
From what firmware??, if you have 4.0, I don't think it can be done, but wait for another answer from someone like Sinno, or axxxxo or bobby, they know this console better, but give them as much info as you can, ie what firmware you are on, etc. and they will get back to you. PS, welcome to TechKings
Don't think it can be done, but look back in tomorrow as one of the lads may have been on by then.(y)
At 4.11 it cant be done without opening up your console hardwiring to your nand and after many dumps of your nand and taking a huge ammount of risk maybey getting to downgrade to 3.41,there is no software available anywhere to downgrade your console,if you wish to do what i said look for the progskeet or the ez-flasher,if your inexperienced with opening and attempting to dump your nand i would say give it a miss,very high brick probability if you make a mistake,turn off your auto update and wait for the devs to come up with a solution,there is 1 being worked on