TV - Home Theater Audio System - A850

Not convinced this is the right section of the site to post this in but as it involves an A850 box it does have some relevance.
Recencently purchased a Panosonic Viera TV model no. TX-40CX802B. With it I purchased a Panosonic Home Theater Audio System (HTAS) model no. SC-HTB680. In addition to the foregoing, I have a Kryptview A850 box.
Both the TV and HTAS are ARC compatible. If i connect the TV and HTAS using a HDMI cable (using the ARC marked ports) but do not connect the A850 to either, the HTAS works perfectly. If I then connect the A850 to the TV using a HDMI cable, the HTAS ceases to work.
If I connect the A850 to the HTAS directly and leave the HTAS connected to the TV via ARC ports, the HTAS works when using the A850 box but doesn't if I am using normal tv or the apps Netflix etc.
This has been driving me mental the last few days. I have tried everything I can think of.
Neither the TV or HTAS are faulty, gave had both checked.
Anyone got any ideas?
Thanks I advance.
Sounds like a definite HDMI problem with the A850 and how it hand shakes with the TV via the HDMI protocol, have you any other device that you can replace the A850 with just to check ARC compatibility or even perhaps try another HDMI cable
Thanks for the quick response.
I have tried different leads, have three or four lying around the house.
The A780, which connects to the TV via scart, didn't impact upon the Home Theater Audio System (the Home Theater Audio System worked fine whether watching the TV or the A780).
Dont have another device to hand at the moment but will get one tomorrow from my flat and report back.
It just doesn't make sense to me.
The ARC channel as you are probably aware is just that 'Audio Return Channel' and thus will feed all audio that is connected to the TV whether it be HDMI,Scart,Phono everything will get fed back to the HTB680.

The only assumption i can make is that the A850 is having some form of HDMI Hand Shake problem, Almost as if it is sending too much power to the internal HDMI board on your TV and Blanking out the other devices.

Again i am sure you are aware that all HDMI is in some form powered be it from the device and from the TV HDMI board