Upping subs

They are in it for the money nothing else, so now they are charging extra for the subs and reducing people by a month !! mmm suppose it makes sense rob peter to pay Sv lol
Bit confused!!!!
We have made it easy and faster for anybody wishing to buy support for their Starview box, just email us with your box number, just PM me your email and box number and a Paypal link will be sent out.

25 for 6 Months
50 for 12 Months

Is Starking part of your team if so seems a lack of communication among the ranks?.
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still confused one person charges 50 the other 45 for a year:whacko::anyonethere::I love techkings:
Well it is Starview after all what do you expect, maybe someone is back dooring the mac addy now. lol
Yes very confusing as a thread was put up yesterday for £50 12 months i'm sticking with the kiddy and waiting for him to comfirm email and details information
The Kiddy has confirmed the price have not changed,i had email from him today.Hope this helps..