Using the Wii 4.2 Softmod HowTo pinned at the top of this forum


OK, my fears are keeping me from taking the plunge, so i thought I'd post my thoughts and see if anyone has some encouragement (or discouragement) for me.

I have an LU62 series Wii running 4.2u. I got it for my kids in 12/2008. It's unmodded to this point.

Mostly, I want the softmod to be able to backup games to a USB HDD and run them from there.

I've formatted a 2GB SD card to FAT32 and unzipped the folder "Step 1 for 4.2" to it. When I insert it into my Wii and click on the SD icon, everything appears to be going as described in the tutorial. I'm getting an onscreen prompt to "Run the Boot.dol/elf?" Y/N.

Here's where I freeze.

If I run into problems during this process... any of the process... can I revert back to the unmodded state without much difficulty? I know if all goes well, I can back up my nand afterward, but I'm worried about a mid-stream catastrophy.

Thanks for your input!
Work away donhogo,
A life lived in fear is no life at all
it will be fine and we are all here to help
Go for it m8 . I've done loads there is nothing to it just take your time and follow the tut to the mark. If you've any hassles just ask.

If you cant get bootmii as boot2 make sure and install priiloader
I seem to have stumbled into a great site. Thanks much for the support. I'll give it a whirl this afternoon.
just post back if you have any problems, as has been said, just follow the instructions to the letter and it should be ok.:attention: