Vu+ solo 2 running slow


Hi, Im after a little advice on a query.
I have recently bough 3 vu+ slo 2 boxes with the latest open vix flash on them (from wos). I set my first box up with an N line and blue Hd skin and this works perfectly. The 2nd box I set up had a an N line from the same source and Blue hd skin, but this 2nd box is running very slowly and freezes often. For example when I press channel up and down the box becomes non responsive for up to 10 seconds.
Any help will be appreciated.
Menu, information, the memory getting full on the slow box?

---------- Post Merged at 12:09 PM ----------

Also is are you on fibre broadband and the other isn't?
Menu, information, the memory getting full on the slow box?

---------- Post Merged at 12:09 PM ----------

Also is are you on fibre broadband and the other isn't?
Hi thanks for the reply, the boxes are identical but yes i'm on fibre and the other one is on about 6mb standard broadband. Would this make a difference?
I'm just wondering if it has an old mg_cfg file that is pinging yourself and bogging down the internet connection, fibre users don't notice it but others do...this can also slow down the box.
I did actually use an existing mg-cfg file that I found in a help thread, where would i get a newer one ?

---------- Post Merged at 02:52 PM ----------

I found in an older post that changing this line:

L: { 03 } 28007 /tmp/mgcamd.log

to this:

L: { 00 }

I dont really understand what this means, but basically if you have a restricted/low upload bandwith, changing your .cfg to the above value should improve things, am I on the right track ?
Yes, thats right, FTP to the box, VAR/USR keys folder, look for mg_cfg. open it and do as you have posted, save and overwrite, restart mgcamd.
I have checked fee memory and there is 420gb free on hardrive and flash has 105.8m of 194.8m.
So I think its ok?
Have you tried stopping/disabling the cam and trying the FTA channels see if it speeds up? What image is it on? Menu, information, about.
Is it a clone? Have you unplugged the ethernet cable and tried it on the FTA channels to see if it is any better.
Think you just hit the nail on the head !! its defo not a clone, but when I unplugged Ethernet, the whole box is flying now !! it must be the internet.
PM me your email and I will send you an edited mg_cfg file or try another cam? Or uninstall the softcam in remove plugins and download the latest from download plugins, your other files will remain.