Why do I need to Initialise a USB?



I loaded vix 22 on my box (cloud ibox 2+) and in the download section it asked to initialise and attach a USB after loading the image. I did all as per instructions and the 4gb USB stick is in the back...initialised.

My question is...what is the function of this Initialised USB drive in the back..? does it sort of work as extra ram or storage space for storing settings..????

I would like to attach a 1.5tb HDD to the box for recording functions, can someone pls tell me how to do that..?? should I just plug it in the side usb slot or does it also need some procedure to add to the box..?

Sorry for all the questions as I am coming from a openbox where things used to be much simpler...but loving all the extras on this box..!!

1) Initialize just means change of disk format. (to EXT4)
2) A bit of an oversimplification, but yes.
3) plug it in and it also will ask you to initialize, (will take a fair bit longer, just because of the size).
If ur going to leave the 1.5gb in, u dont need the usb too. As long as whichever is permanent is formatted with epg and swapfile.
If ur going to leave the 1.5gb in, u dont need the usb too. As long as whichever is permanent is formatted with epg and swapfile.

Yes I would leave the 1.5tb hdd plugged in...it has some other data as well...like movies, series and personal pics...hope connecting it to the box will not affect them.

I recorded a show on the HDD to test the box but am unable to find where to play it from..i can see the file in menu/timers/timers but there is no play option..??

I went into plugin section but cant see any media players there that i can download..!!

pls advise
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First set the recording options from setup including the folder to record to.
Are you checking correct folder (you can navigate using media scanner).
Ya I did setup folders but media scanner was not detecting it. I read somewhere that it only reads files in the root.. Changed the path to root and seems to be ok now. It would have been go though if it could detect files in folders as well.
By the sounds of it ur not quite set up right.
If ur leaving in the usb stick for swapfile/epg but recording to HDD (I would) then mount name for usb stick must be /media/hdd.
Mount name for the actual HDD must be /media/usb.
And recording settings should be /media/usb/"folder of choice".
Click ok on recording settings to change then just menu,
Switch to filelist
Parent directory
List of storage devices
Select whatever drive and folder to use
Nothing in any setting should say internal memory.
I know it sounds confusing.
If ur just using the HDD then ur going to eventually run into trouble as u understandably dont want to wipe ur stuff of it by formatting.

Edit forgot to say the HDD I tested with was fat32.
But u could partition for this
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There is a utility in the downloads that allows you to use NTFS formatted discs with enigma2 machines, but I found that while it would play back files no problem, recordings were very glitch.