Will using my laptop


Cause the channels to go on scrambled?Its been fine all day then i use my laptop and channels go on scrambled now and again.Laptop was using wifi but just changed to ethernet today same as what my skybox F5S is using.Also seems to happen just after ive downloaded something even though i delete the torrent file and close utorrent
All lines have peak times, normally between 6pm and 10pm, but if you have a fast internet it should be fine. downloading torrents will affect the service
Well i can download at 2.1mb.It normally starts happening AFTER ive downloaded something and deleted it from utorrent.Last night it kept doing it for no reason constantly.Will using ethernet for my laptop and skybox affect it?
skybox is known for issue and using downloads from torrents [bandwidth] will cause issues,is the box wired with lan cable?
Ive seen alot of posts saying using utorrent will cause problems with scrambling, but i guess it all depends on how good your internet connection is.... Its not so much your internet speed, but how many devices are connected to it .... Eventhough you delete the torrent utorrent might be updating in the background...or your AV might be installing updates....or your you could have stuff on your computer youve forgot about thats connected and using bandwith....

My download speeds about 38MB and 9MB up but when my sisters round with the kids all using their devices on my wifi i get a lot of scrambling...So it could be other people in the house , aswell as you, thats causing you problems.....
Only things ive ever had connected is my laptop,iphone and skybox.Tonight i had only my iphone and skybox connected and it was going on scrambled 4 times a minute so i turned off skybox and rebooted my router,once that was rebooted i switched the skybox back on and now its working fine,weird!