Windows 7/Flashing

hi smeghani, if you leave a bit more detail there will be someone to help you. which box are you trying to flash, what problems are you having, is it a comms error? where are you. is it a new box? more details will get you a more reliable aswer(y)
Hi Wheelo,

Sorry, my fault. Shouldve explained with more info.

Its a brand new Starview6. Formated 2Gb USB stick (FAT32) on my Win7 laptop and copied flash file to stick. The Starview box is not flashing with the image on the stick.

are you going to connect it to the internet or were you hoping to use a cable supply like v1rgin. if you were hoping to use cable, you might want to read this thread to see if Nagra 3 is due in your area. nagra 3 cannot be cured
if you dont know what nagra 3 is read this

if you were going to use cable, I personally suggest that you try to get your money back, as nagra 3 is on its way.

hope this helps, i dont have any knowledge of this specific box, but someone will pop in later
Hi smeghani, i doubt its a windows 7 issue if your just using a usb stick.
do you just have the flash file by itself on the stick, make sure its not in a folder and that you have the correct file of course.
You could do a factory reset on the box and try again.
Also make sure its not in a winrar format, if it is extract it and place it on the root of the usb stick.
Hi All,

Thanks for the replies.

Tried a different USB stick and it worked! Same make/model as the original stick but for some reason the the box wasn't reading from the first USB stick i used.