Wireless Networking..Limited or no connectivity ?


Deleted, at user's request.
Problem: Your wireless connects, but you cannot access anything and you keep getting a message saying "Limited or No Connectivity", with a little warning icon in the the system tray.

Resolution: The most common cause of this is the password you used to connect to your wireless network. If entered incorrectly it will still allow you to connect to the network, but will not obtain an (IP) address on the network so is unable to browse.

Here's what you need to do:

1 - Right click on the Wireless icon in the system tray and choose "View Available Wireless Networks"
2 - Click the "Advanced Settings" link on the left hand side
3 - Click the "Wireless Networks" tab at the top of the new window.
4 - Click on your wireless network name and choose remove/delete.
5 - Click Apply and OK to all the windows until you are back at the view available wireless networks screen.
6 - Click refresh, then double click on your network name and it should ask you for the password again.
7 - Carefully enter the password again making sure you get the case and O's not 0's.