XMLTV EPG issues


Hey Guys,

loving all the work going on and info being given out on this site.

Ive get everything working on my OpenBox V5s and all the latest firmware etc.

The only problems I got is with the EPG. I have selected the Internet version and there is no information or listings on certain channels mainly Movies. Also wrong information is being displayed.

Also it seems to be a hour or two off.

Thanks in advanced
You need a flash drive or external hard drive for XMLTV info to be stored. Without storage there is nowhere for the data downloaded to reside.

As for being an hour off is this with Summer Time turned to on? If it is you probably need to get the latest firmware for your box.
You need a flash drive or external hard drive for XMLTV info to be stored. Without storage there is nowhere for the data downloaded to reside.

As for being an hour off is this with Summer Time turned to on? If it is you probably need to get the latest firmware for your box.

Thanks for the info. I have already got a HDD connected that is formatted to fat32 and have updated the EPG on there. As for the firmware i believe i have the newest firmware that is from April, correct me if im wrong.

I have sorted the time difference but still missing information on some channels. For example i only got information in 2 of the movie channels and no information on ITV HD.
It takes a while for the info to come through on all the channels after updating it can take several hours to list its not the best epg but still beats now and next with ref to the itv if you go to regional channels ,1 of the itv will come up with the epg
I updated again and it seems to be around 90% working fine. I know its not the end of the world just wanted to get it to work at its best