Xtream Editor

Can I install this on Vix 6.5, get an error when I go to plugins. It shows up under remove plugins!!
For enigma2? Never bothered with IPTV editors just jedimaker now bouquet maker Xtream for E2 as I can remove bouquets/channels via the playlist setup.
With the website editors, you basically create your own m3u list, so you can even add/remove channels within categories, move them around between categories, change names/logos, add epg etc etc
Depends on the changes you make! If you only remove a few groups, then no issue. If you want to rearrange the listings from provider, remove loads of channels, create extra groups etc, then defo good luck. Even 1 change a month imo would make it worth it for a few pounds it costs....
I just add all the channels I watch to my favourites bouquet. Fav tv, Fav movies etc. then updating wont effect it. Probably update it every few months or do as willow said,use notepad.