
  1. J

    Buyer's be aware.

    Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I thought I would let people know who may be in the area of a PC repair company called PC Doctor who also trade under similar names I feel that they are not to be trusted as I have got a close relative who has been scammed by these people. The job in...
  2. J

    looking for virgin Ireland server

    Hi I'm looking for a reliable virgin Ireland server a control panel would also be great thanks
  3. L

    Iptv for my LG tv

    I'm looking for a sub for my LG smart tv would prefer a test line first if possible thanks
  4. macmain

    cable boxs

    been chatting to some one and they tell me cable boxs and servers will be no more.. is this correct whats been going on in the cable sat world.. been away for a while??