Advice about VU solo2 and openvix

Ron 58

Hi I am running openvix on my VU solo + 2 and my wife watches a lot of box sets and zombie films, don't laugh lol. Thinking of getting Amazon prime or filmflix but wondering if I would be wasting my money as I have a line for sly? Would I just be duplicating what I already have?

My advice would be buy a line from here is if you need one and NOT from Ebay.

Normally boxsets and movies are on demand which wont be available as standard on your box without additional plugins, one way is download media player on to your box and showbox on to an android device and send that way? I use dreamplex connected to a plex server with all the media that I would ever require.

P.S. All my wife watches is doc's about women that kill their partner!!! lol
Hello Ron please don't talk about CCcam here if you need a line get one from eBay.

EBAY!!!!! Are you kidding??? Thats one way to get scammed lol

You can get netflix shared accounts cheap enough but you can't change the password or anything like that, I personally have my own netflix account and get genuine code from fleabay to extend my own netflix account for about half the price. I run my netflix via my smart TV and amazon stick too. If you get a VPN you can gain access to the US content too