Auto restart cam not option not there?


TK Veteran

Im enquiring on behalf of a friend.

he has a zgemma h2s with openatv 5.3 image.

he has a n line on mgcamd_1.38r1 there seems to be no option of auto restart there.

ive seen the auto restart option on my lx2 on vix but is this a openatv TV where that option is just not available or is there a way it can be enabled

I asked this question a few months ago and there was no answer.I was using Wooshmans old image and had to restart the cams every time the box rebooted.However with the latest image,its seems to have sorted itself out despite not having the autostart option
If it's working fine there's no issues the problem is when people are using tspanel for cams when it's already on softcam Manager they seem to conflict with each other
I have this problem with a new install of openatv 5.3, using mgcamd_1.38r1 and an n-line. I have another Zgemma star 2S with the same install with cccam and a c-line. This one works fine.
Are you suggesting I need to remove Softcam-Panel and install TSpanel instead?
with Softcam-Panel there is a start mode currently at default Python Camstarter. Not sure if this is relevant?
Will "Frozen Cam Check" help?