Battery for dummy flashing led


I have a dummy alarm box with flashing led and was going to change battery (wires are soldered to both ends of battery) , its currently got a gp super 13A size D 1.5 volts .its lasted about 4 or 5 years . Could I replace it with a normal D battery or are these gp super extra long life .thanks
Without having a photo of the battery and its specifics, I did a google search, and any GP Super D style battery are simply Alkaline batteries. If this is correct, then you could just replace with a good quality D battery. (Alkaline)
I have a dummy alarm box with flashing led and was going to change battery (wires are soldered to both ends of battery) , its currently got a gp super 13A size D 1.5 volts .its lasted about 4 or 5 years . Could I replace it with a normal D battery or are these gp super extra long life .thanks
You can just replace with a normal d cell battery(mn1300). You will probably need a battery holder too.!5616!3!426684131180!!!network}!1233757789396!&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjI_xnvjJ_wIVUtHtCh24lwdgEAQYBSABEgKRufD_BwE
I have a dummy alarm box with flashing led and was going to change battery (wires are soldered to both ends of battery) , its currently got a gp super 13A size D 1.5 volts .its lasted about 4 or 5 years . Could I replace it with a normal D battery or are these gp super extra long life .thanks
GP ultra batteries are the best you can get, I order boxes of AA and AAA from eBay, they last twice as long as Duracell industrial, and they're cheaper