Bizarre Mag box 256w1 issue. HDMI not working

Yeah, sounds like you have tried everything, you may need to send it back
Might be a fault on the board or fault on the HDMI port.
i found this on IPTV talk by Wattsy-
litrally after 24 hours of playing with the same issue i fixed it by

system setting
video = video-1080p-60 Graphics-same as video

boot into your portal then watch it crash reboot and load portal with 720p

on the portal NOT inner portal


then put video back the graphics from 720p to same as video
press home twice it will ask you to rest the box DONT DO IT!!!!!
press cancel. You have to go back twice for it to ask you to rest, if you only go back once then reload it seems to in the setting but not actualy change the resin reality.
now go back into
reload portal

thats it you will ither be streaming as god intended or you will be looking at the right resolution but no channel list. I have 2 portals works with one but not the other GOOD LUCK and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!20170101_215024.jpg