Blue HD skin - channel list now / next font size correct


Blue HD skin - channel list now / next font size corrected

I fixed a problem that was annoying me on an openatv image.

If you use blue hd skin, with xmltv-importer and the additional rytec plug for the epg data (mtpockets image), you may have noticed the very very long descriptions don't sit nicely in the now and next boxes in the channel listing page (tv button).

*sorry did have a screen shot but deleted it by mistake*

Unfortunately you cannot change this font size value via the settings menu.

Using your FTP client, navigate to /usr/share/enigma2/Blue-HD

Right click the file skin_Blue_HD_Templates.xml


This file should now open in notepad or an xml reader if you have one installed (i.e xml wrench)

Do a search for NewChannelSelectionProgramNowDescription and change the font size to 18

<screen name="NewChannelSelectionProgramNowDescription">
<widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="695,305" size="535,122" font="skyreg;18" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" valign="top" zPosition="1">
<convert type="EventName">FullDescription</convert>

Do a search for NewChannelSelectionProgramNextDescription and also change the font size to 18

<screen name="NewChannelSelectionProgramNextDescription">
<widget source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" position="695,465" size="535,122" font="skyreg;18" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="skydarkblue" transparent="1" valign="top" zPosition="1">
<convert type="EventName">NextDescription</convert>

Save your file.

This font size fits much better. Enjoy.

BBC One HD-1092015-132.jpg
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Very good tweak does anyone no the location to do this on vix hades skin at all?

If you mean the gui try this I found in another post hi guys,

just put the 018 image on .. thanks Sucnsee but have a format issue..

the epg/setup menus appear to big for the screen..*

so that a lot of the text is outside the visible area of the TV..*

any ides?


---------- Post Merged at 09:16 AM ----------

scratch that guys, figured it out..*

for future googlers..*

Setup/system/user interface/position setup

change width & height...

then move left/right or up and down to fit..

dsayers2014 kiddacs post was about changing sizes of fonts not moving the whole EPG position on screen!

There's a few other in the same xml I have just changed them for now and next titles, start/end times too - I changed these to size 20 and does fit better
i know but mattyb was on about vix and there's nothing wrong with the font size and can be changed within the menu but on sucmnsees latest vix hades i had to change the position.
Watch this space... As there are numerous things bugging me with this skin. I am creating an amended version based on blueHD. It will be called Blue2. I have so far recreated 90% of the EPG page. It will have a slightly re-arranged spacing and different font sizes. I have also created nice new graphics including the correct SKY icons at the top. I will post a screen shot this evening when I have finished that page. I am also toying about with moving the huge big left menu back into the middle with the icons and small TV screen on the top of every page. Skinning is new to me on this device, so I got a lot of trial an error at the moment. Plus I am only doing it via editting the xml files. The skin editing packages seem a bit crap.
Sounds Kiddac keep us posted when its done and ill attempt to upload it, im new to all this but slowly figuring things out with the help of the forum, keep up the good work