Boot logo



I'm trying to change the boot logo on my zgem star 2s, I have went to downloadable plugins and bootlogos. Downloaded one and restarted the box but still the old one is showing.

Any ideas ?


thats the location ftp it and open it in windows media player classic you can see what it is and if you want to make your own get xorion Bootlogo maker and get any image you want with in 720p or 1080p sizes and work with that
In that Bootlogo manger, I worked out you can change the images to what you want but I can't get the name changed, so you can change the Bootlogo easy when you wanted.
I don't get what you mean I use the xorionbootlogomatik to convert and send the image to the box what are you wanting to change the name to?
The plugin Bootlogo manger. You know the way it let you change your logos, if you make you images to mvis and rename the to the ones in the plugin and make a smaller png verison. place them in the location. Up you can change them when you like
It's just easier to use the xorionbootlogomatik insert any image you want in bootlogo, bootlogo_wait and backdrop convert then send to box if you wanted multiple images so you can change them when you want just rename the mvi,s to whatever you want ie bootlogo-what the image is.mvi
there's no better way to do things with enigma2 boxes that's what i like about them there's many options to change what you want what works for one may not be best for the next person if you find a way to do something and someone says they do it a different way doesn't mean there way is the best if you're happy doing it your way stick with it
Ok downloaded xorion and put a bootlogo in and ftp'd it to box. But when I rebooted the box it came up with the new bootlogo for abt 5-10sec then the original sucmnsees alien bootlogo for about 5-10 secs.
Is the sucmnsee image not changeable ?

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You need it in the first 2 boxes on Orion I'm sure as it's classed as a boot logo then backdrop. I just put image in all 5 boxes
Does no harm. You'll only really see it at the start

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Also make sure you've uninstalled any you downloaded in plugins as they have priority over your manual changes

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