Bravia 50W82 Smart IPTV


Bravia 50W82 can't find the Smart IPTV app for download from the AppStore, anyone able top help and tell how the Smart IPTV help can be found and downloaded to the tv, thanks
only LG and Samsung TV's can do what you're asking, you can get other iptv apps though but I'm not sure which or how good they are
As said, this particular app is only available on LG and Samsung i'm afraid.
O.k did not realise that :(
Managed to Open TV app for the Bravia 50W82 this is the only app I can see in the App Store, will this work?

only LG and Samsung TV's can do what you're asking, you can get other iptv apps though but I'm not sure which or how good they are
You'd have to investigate this yourself - see what that specific app is capable of then you'll know if it'll do what you need it to do.
O.k will have a try to see if it runs M3U files for IPTV, if it doesn't then play M3U files, then what would be a good box to use for IPTV, something with a good powerful processor so the box won't freeze/slow down

You'd have to investigate this yourself - see what that specific app is capable of then you'll know if it'll do what you need it to do.
The best box for IPTV from reports on here is supposed to be the MAG range.
O.k will have a try to see if it runs M3U files for IPTV, if it doesn't then play M3U files, then what would be a good box to use for IPTV, something with a good powerful processor so the box won't freeze/slow down

For the extra £10/15 go for the Mag 256/before the 254 they also do the wifi intergrated 256w version instead of using a USB wifi dongle.
It as double the processing power to it's brother 254 which is more than good by the way
Plus Mag Boxes autoupdates themselfs if enabled.
Plus some servers for Mag boxes have the facility to record/or/not/or/they offer 7/14Days or more catch-up.
But a lot don't do either by the way!!or let you use a vpn either? it pays to ask before you sign up? horses for courses so to speak?