Cat swinging suspect hands himself into police


Staff member
A man suspected of swinging a terrified cat by its tail can be identified for the first time today as 20-year-old Riain Richards after he handed himself into police.

Officers and RSPCA inspectors had identified Richards as a person they wanted to interview in connection with the daylight attack on Mowgli on the streets of Ramsgate, Kent but could not locate him.
Just hours after the 20 year-old was urged to hand himself in, Richards presented himself to Margate police station shortly after 9am on Friday.
He was accompanied by his solicitor after RSCPA inspectors and police officers failed to find him at his home address, just around the corner from where the incident occured.
He is currently being questioned by detectives and animal welfare officers. He has not been charged.
A RSPCA spokewoman said: ''The RSPCA can confirm that this morning, a 20-year-old man from Ramsgate voluntarily handed himself into Margate Police Station and is now helping us with our enquiries.

''We would like to thank the media and the public for their help in our appeal following this incident involving a cat being swung by his tail.''
While she declined to comment on the suspect's identify The Daily Telegraph has established Richards' identity.


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He looks a respectfull lad, courtesy of Facebook



5 mins in a room with the little prick, it would be a long time before he would be capable of picking up anything.
I have no mercy for people who do these kind of things to animals.
They expect you all to feel sorry for him now, next it will be he has adhd and besides also suffers from OTHER mental health problems blah blah etc etc.

The little ******* will get 10 years ban from keeping animals from some soppy Judge and that's it, nothing else.

I hope I am wrong but lets wait and see.
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You got it nutter, these types of people make excuses for everything or have someone make excuses for them, what ever happened to taking responsibility for you're actions.
Hopefuly someone will take the law into their own hands and dish out the punishment he deserves, and hopefuly gets away with it.
lets go hunt him down, make turkey from him and feed him to the dogs. lol

people like him need to be swung around like that from HIS NECK!
They expect you all to feel sorry for him now, next it will be he has adhd and besides also suffers from OTHER mental health problems blah blah etc etc.

The little ******* will get 10 years ban from keeping animals from some soppy Judge and that's it, nothing else.

I hope I am wrong but lets wait and see.
10 yrs god your def dreaming there - bet he dont even get that - probably just told hes a naughty boy and not to do it again. But when hes a little older he will want a pet of some sort - and it will all be forgotten!
As you say there will probably be some sort of excuse and judging by the photo HT found via the social network site - that will be his excuse he was smokeing- and didnt realise!!
If they do let him off due to a mental illness or similar then that to me is NOT aa reason or an excuse! my son wouldnt even think of doing something like that - and nor would any other person with special needs that i know!