CBS Action & other channels missing

Hi guys,
can I pick your brains,
I have a Dreambox 800 HD SE
& I have scanned H.11.344 & V11.344 5/6 27500 & getting some channels but not CBS Action, I saw it appear once, saved it, when i went to try it, it had disappeared, driving me crazy, this same thing happened to my mate up the road,
disconnected all other electricals sitting around it, still nothing,
The wabbit
it appears this site has not been updated for 10 months , last entry for 28.E was June 2015,
but thanks for trying, tried Lyngsat got nowhere,
talk about unlucky,was a good try mate, put the list in, went to CBS Action, was some porn text channel, there were files in the folder that had todays date on them & cbs reality was missing too,
never mind, you tried,
thanks for that anyway,
the wabbit
try 11.343 / 27501 / V WORKING FOR ME


all other transponders you tried with cbs action delete all of them
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Or look at King of Sats.
You can change the list view so that the most recently updates appear at the top of the listings

This is weird, I downloaded & installed the file that iancable put me onto, although cbs action was missing from the favourites, it WAS on the main sat list, so I added that to the favs,
so since I couldn't scan it in with my dreambox, I put the downloaded file into the channel editor & found one slight difference in the CBS Action info & put those details into my file on the editor, it worked, so now i have to do the same with a couple of other channels, still don't know why the Dreambox didn't pick this up in the first place, anyway guys, thanks for all the help, it was appreciated,
regards and thanks,
The Wabbit