Cloud Ibox 2 plus - Customised channel ordering backup and restore

Hello everyone , first post on this forum and new to Linux boxes so appologies for any "stupid" questions

My set up is
Cloud Ibox 2 plus
running openvix-Apollo.155-cloud-ibox-2-plus_usb
Autoboquet maker run for UK and Ireland
Everything up and running
CrossEPG set up to refresh 04:00
Autoboquet was NOT set up to auto refresh

I amended the channel ordering on Entertainment favourites to include channels I use most of the time e.g. Local channels , Discovery , sports , Setan etc etc.

Everything fine for a week and EPG updates no problems.
I have taken a backup using the VIX backup manager and this has created a .rar file of ~4MB in size.

Last night set Autoboquet maker to refresh and it has reverted my Entertainment channels to the standard set

Question I have is

Is there any way of saving and restoring my customised channel ordering after autoboquet has done an auto refresh ?

Thanks in advance.