Complete Noob Help

hi all

i have a zgemma box with openvix on it and its perfect (got this set up by someone else), i want to set another one up in the bedroom and at my parents house, is there a walk through from the start how to install etc,

also i have looked through the menus where and how do i find out where my subscription come from as this is glitch free and want to stay with the same supplier.

sorry for a question that has been asked 1000 times but any help is good or someone that can supply boxes already for plug and play (twin boxes).

Thanks in advance

You'll have to ask the person who set the box up where the line comes from they may or may not just sell you the lines
you will need to search and read. Everything you need to know is here

find the zgemma section for the best place to buy and tutorials on how to flash a patched vix image and set it up

a sticky at the top of this forum is where you need to request a new line
I assume you are trying to set one up in the bedroom at your own house and a separate one at your parents house? the one at your parents house will need a completely different to the line you have on your own receiver.

as scoob, says, all the answers and info you need are on the zgemma section - do a bit of research/reading and you will soon sort it out, then you can buy your own recievers and set them up