Cosmic Sin

I think I'll be swerving this one, it got 3% on Rotten Tomatoes and 2.5 on IMDb.
A quick review:

This is a movie where you spend all of it wondering what is going on. Nothing about this film makes sense.

I picked this up because Bruce Willis did such an excellent job in The Fifth Element that surely he wouldn’t say yes to a sci-fi role unless it was quality. Sadly I was wrong.

Sure, the Fifth Element has a lot of things in it that really don’t make any sense, but it held you in disbelief in such a way that you accepted that science wasn’t going to enter into the plot any time soon but didn’t really care. Cosmic Sin, on the other hand, doesn’t really come near suspension of disbelief. Rather, it plunges your head in a bucket of it and expects you to breathe.

For instance, we’re given a very brief history of 500 years into the future, told a bunch of planets that we’re expected to know, get cued up for an ultra-futuristic setting and then find ourselves in a world of the same technology we use today, including petrol powered cars, yet are expected to accept that people can get instantly teleported light years away into the vacuum of space with only a helmet, and survive re-entry. But there’s space ships for some reason.

Oh, by the way, people are able to figure out first contact with space zombies by just a computer going beep.....

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