Could You Pass A Driving Test?

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Could you pass a driving test?" /></a><p>Created by <a href="">Auto</a></p>

72% :)
I just took the test now myself.

It's amazing how it shows you how much you don't know :bang head:

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Could you pass a driving test?" /></a><p>Created by <a href="">Auto</a></p>

Your Grade: B
83% You Passed with an Above Average Score


89% does that mean i can drink and drive
I didn't do so hot :(

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Could you pass a driving test?" /></a><p>Created by <a href="">Auto</a></p>
I'm not even putting up what I got :( LOL

Better not let my husband see my score or he'll sell my car lmao
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Could you pass a driving test?" /></a><p>Created by <a href="">Auto</a></p>

and they let me drive a bus LOL I presume this is an american test, either that or i regularly drive on the wrong side of the road:grin:
lol I love the answers to the question 'When a large truck wants to pass you, what should you do?'

I blame this on me being on a different continent to what this was aimed at.

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