Cross epg daily download.


Have cross epg set up to download epg daily on free to air. But have to resort to manually downloading every day to update epg. None if the settings seem out of place??
Also running iptv script for premium channels which updates fine.

Anybody got any advice on how to get my free to air epg sorted!!
that is only a setup sceenshot its the epg provider we seek,one other question where is usb or hdd connected on box or pc?
I've had an issue recently with my Crossepg losing most of the content daily and on every restart of the box.

I realised that I had my epg import set to always start after booting up which I've since changed to never. ( it updates daily anyway at a pre determined time) starting epg import seems to wipe out my cross epg content.

So now I have Crossepg to update daily 30 mins AFTER The epg import has updated and all has been good since.

Not sure if this is the same as your problem but if you try a reboot of your box and you lose the content, give it a go!