Dad Jumps From Pool Balcony To Save Son


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A brave dad was forced to leap from a balcony and into a swimming pool to rescue his four-year-old son after lifeguards stood and watched.


Two pool workers have been suspended following the incident.

Gary Jowett and wife Rachel looked on in horror as their young son Daniel began to flounder in the deep end at Spenborough Baths near Dewsbury, West Yorks.

His instructor tried to reach the desperate youngster with a pole and a float, but did not enter the water himself, instead standing on the side and hitting an emergency button.

To the couple's shock, two other lifeguards on duty also stood motionless - prompting Gary, who believed his son was in serious danger, to take drastic action.

So Gary jumped fully-clothed, with his phone and wallet still in his pocket, 8ft into the deep end to save his drowning son.

The dad-of-two swam to Daniel who was under the water, grabbed him and pushed him above his head before getting him to the side of the pool.

After being treated in hospital for shock, Daniel was sent home to recover.

Engineer Gary, 38, said: "The instructor shouted at him to swim to the side and he offered a pole as a guide to swim towards, but it was obvious he was struggling. He had nothing left in him.

"I just did what any dad would have done. Daniel keeps thanking me and hugging me and telling me I'm the best. He hasn't talked about it much, I think it really shook him up.

"I couldn't believe that I had to do what I did when there were qualified members of staff on duty.

"I'm glad they have suspended two people because it is wrong that these people who are supposed to save lives aren't reacting properly in emergencies."

Alasdair Brown, chief executive for Kirklees Active Leisure who run the Baths, said: "I can confirm that two members of staff have been suspended following an incident at Spenborough Pool on June 4.

"We are in the process of carrying out an internal investigation to look into exactly what happened. We apologise wholeheartedly for any upset or distress that this incident has caused those who were involved."