Download torrent through website - 1.34GB free space


VIP Member
Ever wondered how awesome it would be if you could upload torrent files to a website and have the website download the torrent for you and then later you can download it via http?

Well if you haven't already wondered about that already, you probably are now..

Just tested this and it works fine, I know the available space isn't big enough but its still something. :) There are payment options to expand your storage space if you wish to do so.
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This could be a very good idea. However, if you belong to a private tracker and are trying to keep your ratios up, you still might be better off to spend a few extra dollars and subscribe to a seedbox.
Absolutely. Although I believe that it allows you to seed to a 1:1 ratio, but by no means should this website be treated as a seedbox since it isn't designed for that purpose. It's websites like this that can put a bit of fun back into waiting for downloads to complete. It can be easily left running and your PC can be fast asleep :) (off)
This is a very handy little tool, ~I do most downloading through NZB's though for the odd one I can only find torrents, and I dont want another program on the computer, so this will help me out no end, cheers Dan(y)