Downloads from own server


I have a small server to download plugin ipk files from my laptop for installation on my receiver
by issuing wget commands.
Can I instead select what plugin to download by selecting a digit corresponding to
the plugin name like 1 = ip-checker, 2 = foreca etc etc instead of issuing a wget command for each
plugin ipk file? Thks.
I have a small server to download plugin ipk files from my laptop for installation on my receiver
by issuing wget commands.
Can I instead select what plugin to download by selecting a digit corresponding to
the plugin name like 1 = ip-checker, 2 = foreca etc etc instead of issuing a wget command for each
plugin ipk file? Thks.
you have 2 choices, depending on your skill level

1. just rename the files on the server 1 2 or 3 etc, this is not ideal as if you updated them on the server you may forget which file is which
2. assuming you have an apache web server then create an .htaccess file in the /path/to/web/ folder with something like the following contents

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^1$ ip-checker.ipk [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^2$ foreca.ipk  [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^3$ whateverelse.apk [L,R=301]
so above would then redirect http://YOURSERVERURL/1 to ip-checker.ipk, http://YOURSERVERURL/2 to foreca.ipk and so on. This is how I do it on mine, but I use initials rather thaan numbers, ie

RewriteRule ^IPC$ ip-checker.ipk [L,R=301]
which would redirect http://YOURSERVERURL/IPC to ip-checker.ipk, making it easier to remember which url is for what ipk file