Dreambox control centre


Hi I have been using dreambox control centre to connect with my LX2 box for a while now.

But I have had a problem with windows and I have had to reinstall windows again and now I am not able to get dreambox control centre to connect with the LX2.

I know I have to search for the box and when I do I get a few results but none of them seem to work

Any help please
If you cant get it to work Try filezilla FTP to connect just make a note of your box IP address Menu / Set up / Network
In Host top left / type box ip address Username/ root Then press Quick connect
or open mycomputer icon on pc then at adress bar type dreambox ip example put usr pass u got connected then copy u file u want to edit at desktop edit then save and paste to box at exact folder from were u copied click on overwrite yes then restart cams