Ease of Copying the set up of one box to another

Please forgive me for my stupidity and lack of technical knowledge here.

How easy is it to copy the setup on one Zgemma H.2s to another one.

I have one box I purchased from a supplier pre set up and it is brilliant and I find it very easy to use.

Thinking to save some money I bought a second box and followed some guides on here to set it up myself.
This box does work but it is nowhere near as fast or efficient as my other box and isn't set up quite the same, which leads to more annoyance from my totally technophobe wife.

Is there a simple way that I could copy the set up from the box I like onto a USB and install it onto the other box easily?

I have tried following guides to install from images but it hasn't worked for me so far.

Thanks in advance for the help.
What you need to do is to take a full back up of the good box and put it onto the other box. On ATV the route to this is Blue button/Software Manager/complete backup