
Your reply is a bit rude and patronising moshibeth.......

Mine worked this morning at its 6am schedule.
Is epg importer updating atatheat moment

I see you seem to be yet another one post wonder type person, forgive me if I am wrong and your maybe working the weekend or something like that but we see this kind of thing in here quite often, so that's why I am stating this fact.

Anyway, epg importer has never worked for me (crossEPG does though), thing is though, you didn't even state what box you have, the flash/firmware and edition your using plus it's also handy to know which skin your using too, skins can sometimes (not all the time) cause problems, so your question and the way it's asked is rather poor, if you come back please state all the things that people on here need to know and you might get somewhere. ;)